• Progressive Labs Plump Glutes

    Plump Glutes Butt enhancement pills were specifically designed to target 2 different areas to help you get a larger butt. There are only 2 ways to get a bigger butt naturally which are to Store Healthy Fat, Build Muscle.

    Our natural supplements are very safe with no known side effects or risks

    Results may be seen in as little as 4-12 weeks of using plump glutes Pills.

  • Progressive Laboratories Chitosan – 180 Capsules

    LipoSan Ultra® is a high density marine fiber concentrate derived from shrimp shells. This specially processed, high density chitosan, is 90% soluble in stomach acid in one minute, compared to more than one hour for other chitosan products.

    That means that Chitosan Plus™ can be taken at mealtime, not 30 to 60 minutes before, and will be available to absorb dietary fat for almost the entire time the meal is being digested.

    Because of its solubility and higher density, this specially processed chitosan is almost three times more effective as a fat binder than regular chitosan. Since chitosan is completely indigestible and non-absorbable, fats bound to chitosan are not absorbed.

  • Progressive Labs Detox Resilience

    Detox Resilience™ has been formulated to provide various natural ingredients that support the natural removal of toxins from the body, and also provides support to some of our natural detoxification systems.

    • Support for natural detoxification
    • Support for healthy circulation and blood flow
    • Support for healthy lymphatic systems
    • Support for healthy liver
    • Antioxidant support

    Ingredients :

    Detox Resilience Blend
    Modified Citrus Pectin (PectaClear®),
    Cracked Cell Chlorella, Setria® Glutathione
    (reduced form), Burdock (Root), Artichoke
    Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Stinging Nettle
    Root (Urtica Dioca), BroccoRaphanin™
    (Broccoli Concentrate from seed)

  • Progressive Laboratories Prosta Glan – 120 Capsules

    This comprehensive formula combines saw palmetto extract with prostate concentrate and other nutrients and herbs needed for support of prostate and lower urinary tract health.

  • Progressive Labs Taurine

    High concentrations of taurine are found in the heart muscle, white blood cells, skeletal muscle and central nervous system. It is also a key component of bile. Taurine is not found in vegetable proteins.


    • Taurine
    • 500 mg
    • Other Ingredients
    • rice flour, gelatin.

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