• FertilGain

    Fertilgain provides the essential supplement that support fertility boost, ovarian function, nutrition for mom and baby, regulate cycle, regulating the hormones, promoting ovulation, increasing cervical mucus, helps flow of blood to the reproductive organs, improves chances of conception, improves success with fertility treatment, improves of neural tube defects in babies, and improves oocyte (egg) quality.


  • HealthGarde Eye Garde

    with Billberry & Beta Carotene

    A formula that helps boost eye health on a cellular level by promoting blood supply to eye membranes, cellular repair of retina cells and
    helps heal eye inflammation.


    Support your eye health with anti-oxidant rich ingredients combined with Lutein and BetaCarotene.

    This soothing formula contains nutrients that helps to protect, maintain and improve blood circulation to the eyes.

    It can be especially beneficial for ageing eyes, continuous eye strain and dry eyes.

  • HealthGarde Aloe Vite

    with Green Tea, Ginseng, Sutherlandia & Turmeric

    A daily refreshing blend of anti-oxidants that boost the body’s’ immune system to protect itself, combined with ginseng for energy.


    • Stay Hydrated
    • Nutrition Boost
    • Heartburn Relief
    • Digestive Benefits
    • Promote Clear Skin
    • Healthy Liver Function
    • Balance Body’s Alkalinity
    • Reduce Gum Inflammation
    • Helps To Control Blood Sugar Levels
    • Anti-oxidant Rich To Boost Immune Health

    HealthGarde Aloe Vite

  • Rami Sirdis Calm Heart

    Wide composition and double effect

    This food supplement created to maintain normal heart function and calm down after experiencing stress.
    Calm body– Calm Heart!

    Valerian extract: helps to maintain normal heart function and normal blood pressure.
    Reduces tension and stress this way increasing sleep quality.

    Hawthorn extract: helps to maintain normal heart function.

    Motherwort herb: extract helps to maintain normal heart and cardiovascular system function.

    Garlic extract: helps to maintain normal heart function proper cholesterol level in the blood.

    Magnesium, folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12 help to reduce tiredness and fatigue, maintain normal psychological function.

  • Osteogain®

    A balanced formula to help improve bones and joint comfort.

    For men and women of all ages.

    Osteogain® helps in maintaining healthy bones, teeth and muscles.

    Helps in building bone mass in case of post-menopauses osteoporosis.

    Helps in maintaining healthy heart and blood vessels.

    Vitamin K helps in prevention of osteoporosis and gives relief from menstrual pain, vitamin K plays key role in controlling blood clotting and preventing blood loss during injury.


  • Ferogain


    Iron is an essential constituent of the body that is required for haemogloblin formation and for the oxidative process of living tissues.

    Iron helps to maintain optimal level of erythrocytes in the blood by synthesizing hemoglobin.

    Iron helps to maintain normal formation of red blood cell and guarantee normal oxygen transport in the body, reduces fatigue and the feeling of tiredness.

    Zinc helps in maintaining structural and catalytic function of enzymes involved in major pathways including protein synthesis and cell division.

    Zinc helps to protect the body from the radicals, chemical byproducts which damage cells.


  • Jointgain ® Omega-3

    Micronutrients supplement with glucosamine and omega-3.

    Jointgain ® Omega-3 was carefully formulated to help sustain active life, for daily activities.

    Glucosamine sulphate is found in the fluid around the joints, it helps to support the structure and functions of the joints. It helps in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

    Manganese helps in formation of the bone mass and helps hormone balance.

    Vitamin D3 also known as sunshine vitamin is important in maintaining optimal function of bones, teeth and muscle function.

    Copper helps in maintenance of normal connective tissue.

    Vitamin B12 and folic acid are important for arthritis patient.

  • Pregnagain Original

    Gives maximum care through 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

    Pregnagain has been formulated to provide the required amount of folic acid that helps in building nutritional values for women before and during pregnancy.

    It is advisable for women to start using pregnagain before conception as well as during pregnancy.

    Pregnagain is formulated with the required amount of Vitamin C.

    • Vitamin D which helps to keep healthy bones and also boost the immune system.
    • Vitamin A for normal skin and vision.
    • Vitamin K aids blood clotting.
    • Vitamin E protects the cells from oxidative stress.
    • Vitamin C has benefits which include protection against immune efficiencies and prenatal health problems.

    Pregnagain Original


    Functional Characteristics Green World Tourmaline Water Cup
    1. It help improve the nutrient absorption, metabolism & immunity.
    2. Change the common water into nanometer activated water, which is rich in mineral element, such as Ca, Ma, K and Na.
    3. Resist oxidation, delay senility & be favorable for human being’s health.
    4. The negative potential can eliminate the excrescent free radical.
    5. Green World Tourmaline Water Cup detoxicate the alcohol & tobacco.
    6. Strong solubility, and long- term’s drinking can prevent the renal calculus.
    7. Neutralize the acidic toxin in the bowels, eliminate the dysporia.
    8. Cure acidosis, rectify the acidic constitution.
    9. Green World Tourmaline Water Cup neutralize the excrescent gastric acid, protect against gastritis.

  • Green World Lecithin Capsule: Improves Intelligence, Enhances Memory and Beauty

    Green World Lecithin Capsules is formulated with the newest in cognitive enhancement technology. These product have been designed to naturally support mental clarity and performance, maintain brain health as well as protect memory functions.

    Lecithin is also great for nourishing skin cells which will lead to an improved complexion.

  • Compound Co-Q10 capsule: Cardiovascular Disease And Hypertension

    Characteristics and Benefits:

    1. Improve metabolism of cell of the body, especially myocardial cells and nerve cells;
    2. Improve immunity;
    3. Antioxidant which prevent and alleviate degenerative cardiovascular diseases;
    4. Improve stamina and general well-being of human body.

    Suitable for:

    • People with cardiovascular diseases such as: myocardial infraction, congestive heart failure, hypertension, high cholesterol, angina pectoris, etc.
    • People suffer from vital organ damage caused by chemo-or radio-therapy
    • People with diabetes, obstructive pulmonary diseases, periodontal disease
    • People with chronic fatigue
    • Prior to heat surgery
  • HealthGarde Memory Garde

    with L-Tyrosine & Choline

    A scientific formula to enhance neurotransmitter function in the brain, which can assist with enhanced memory.


    This is a unique blend that combines the benefits of Choline and other minerals to support brain function and can help enhance memory and concentration.

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