Bell Quantum Body Health Analyzer
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₦61,776.00₦61,776.00 (-100%)
Screens and detects the state of the health, automatically recommends bell products to use and also treat with Tens therapy kits.
Know your health status. There are four important health issues we should be familiar with in order to safeguard our health.
- Cholesterol
- Blood pressure
- Blood sugar
- Body mass index
By knowing these, we can take action to reduce our chances of developing heart disease, diabetes, stroke, kidney failures & other major illnesses.
An opportunity is here for you to buy Bell-Quantum Health Analyzer machine, a Canadian product that will test and reveal everything about your health status privately in the comfort of your room. No side effects. Have a look through your
- Cardiovascular system
- Lungs
- Liver
- Intestines
- Fertility for both male and female
- Formation of fibroid and ovarian cyst
- Falopian tube if there is blockage
- Blood sugar level
- Erection, sperm count and motility for male
- Skin and many more.
Additional information
Weight | 5 kg |
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