Nature’s Field PregMum Breast-feeding
Nature’s Field PregMum Breast-feeding is an advanced postnatal formula that provides the recommended daily nutrient intake for nursing mothers and their babies. Each dose of PregMum Breast-feeding contains two PregMum tablets and one omega-3 DHA soft gel to provide vitamins and minerals, antioxidants as well as other beneficial nutrients.
PregMum Breast-feeding from Nature’s Field is a postnatal vitamin supplement carefully formulated to provide the recommended daily nutrients to nurture nursing mothers and their babies. Each tablet provides a wide range of carefully selected vitamins and minerals including recommended levels of 400mcg folic acid as well as other beneficial nutrients. Breastfeeding is the healthiest to feed your new baby. In addition to providing essential vitamins and nutrients, breast milk also helps protect your baby against infection. PregMum Breast-feeding provides all the essential nutrients to meet the unique nutritional needs of breastfeeding women. It is specifically formulated to help promote lactation and breast milk supply
Why you need a good postnatal vitamins supplement while breastfeeding
The nutrition requirements for breastfeeding are similar to pregnancy. You are recommended to continue eating similarly to how you were eating during your pregnancy. However, as a breastfeeding woman, you need 200 more calories per day than a pregnant woman. Breastfeeding demands that you consume even more micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) than you needed during your pregnancy. A good postnatal vitamin supplement contains DHA, extra calcium, or extra vitamin D- These you find in PregMum Breast-feeding
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