- An anti-malarial Supplement
- Cures and prevents malaria
- Beneficial in cerebral malaria
- Breaks blood sugar in diabetic patients
- Very beneficial for Sickle Cell patients
- Good for pregnant in their second trimester and breast-feeding mothers and also in pediatrics
- It does not require analgesics to treat malarial symptoms but comes with a herbal analgesic alongside
- It has very fast onset of action (works very fast)
- It detoxifies body internal systems (eliminates free radicals)
- Gives strength and vitality.
- Enhances Erection
- Increases Sexual Performance
- Increases Sexual Drive
- Regulates Hormonal Activities
- Maintains proper level of testosterone in blood
- Mild sperm count increase
- Gives stamina and vitality
- Treatment of quick ejaculation
- Treatment of sexual dysfunction
- It is an anti-malarial tea
- Cures and prevents malaria
- Breaks blood sugar in diabetic patients
- Very beneficial for Sickle Cell patients
- Good for pregnant and breast-feeding mothers and also in pediatrics
- It does not require analgesics to treat malarial symptoms
- Very effective for treating very fast fever
- It confers mosquito repellant property to the skin
- It has very fast onset of action (works very fast)
- It detoxifies body internal systems (eliminates free radicals)
- Gives strength and vitality.
- Helps normalise follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) which are related to the menstrual cycle.
- Treatment of menopausal symptoms.
- Improves Ovulation.
- Regulates and balances female reproductive hormones
- For weight loss
- Improves joint flexibility
- Eliminates arthritis and rheumatism
- Strengthens body immunity
- Improves blood circulation
- Beneficial in diabetes and hypertension
- Beneficial in improper menstruation
- Treatment of kidney disease
- Rejuvenates the cells of the nephron
- Reduces exposure to dialysis
- Normalizes the process of urine formation
- Reduces systemic creatinine levels
- Treatment of kidney disease
- Rejuvenates the cells of the nephron
- Reduces exposure to dialysis
- Normalizes the process of urine formation
- Reduces systemic creatinine levels
- Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptom
- Treatment of dementia (memory loss)
- Improves brain function
- Ensures mental alertness
- Improves memory capacity
- Reduces agitations and aggression
- Ensures positive cognitive behaviour
- Treatment of Alzheimer disease
- Treatment of dementia (Memory Loss)
- Beneficial in Parkinson disease
- Beneficial in treatment of Stroke
- Improves brain function
- Improves memory capacity
- Ensures positive cognitive behaviour
- Treatment of fibrosis
- Beneficial in the treatment of Ovarian Cysts
- Helps in the process of achieving pregnancy
- Normalizes the PH of the uterus
- Treatment of HIV/AIDS Symptoms
- Reduces infection viral load
- Increases CD4 count
- Restores the feeling of wellbeing
- Restores body weight
- Restores appetite
- Ensure good feeding habit
- Helps to relive pain due to cancer
- Suppresses reproduction of cancer cell
- Protects normal cells from attack from cancer cells