• Pregnagain Original

    Gives maximum care through 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

    Pregnagain has been formulated to provide the required amount of folic acid that helps in building nutritional values for women before and during pregnancy.

    It is advisable for women to start using pregnagain before conception as well as during pregnancy.

    Pregnagain is formulated with the required amount of Vitamin C.

    • Vitamin D which helps to keep healthy bones and also boost the immune system.
    • Vitamin A for normal skin and vision.
    • Vitamin K aids blood clotting.
    • Vitamin E protects the cells from oxidative stress.
    • Vitamin C has benefits which include protection against immune efficiencies and prenatal health problems.
  • HealthGarde 40 Plus – For Woman

    Many symptoms of menopause occur as a result of falling estrogen levels in the body, resulting in symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and failing bones.

    SOYA ISOFLAVONES are a group of naturally occurring chemicals that mimic the overall shape of estrogen in the body.

    In many ways they can be thought of as plant-based oestrogen alternatives.


    Isoflavones from soya beans have been used in traditional Eastern medicine for 500+ years and has been reported to provide a number of health benefits. These include:

    • promotion of heart health
    • maintenance of bone health in post-menopausal women
    • alleviate menopause symptoms.

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